Hi, my name is Mohammed Maqbol
I'm a developer that likes to build scalable software

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About me

Hello! I'm Mohammed Maqbol, a passionate and creative individual with a strong background in web development. With a deep love for React, I have dedicated myself to honing my skills and expertise over the years. I thrive on solving complex problems and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in web development. My work is a reflection of my commitment to innovation and excellence, and I take great pride in delivering results that exceed expectations. Whether it's through devloping full web applications or shared packages, I am dedicated to making a positive impact and leaving a lasting impression. I look forward to sharing my journey, experiences, and the exciting projects I've been a part of through this portfolio. Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy exploring my work!

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Senf is a digital participation platform that can also be used by citizens, associations and initiatives for a bottom-up design of the district.

I used firebase to create serverless functions and multimedia storage. I also invested alot of time improving the DX and the relationship between designers and developers while developing the design system.
Tech I used: React, Typescript, Styled Components, tailwind, storybook, cypress, Docker

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Dev Launchers

An online platform democratizing access to learning tech-ready skills by acting as a one-stop-shop for bootstrapping or joining software projects, and helping members to contribute meaningfully while gaining industry ready experience.

I used Strapi to create endpoints with PostgreSQL as a database. I also, created reusable components, and connected the app to the Strapi CMS.
Tech I used: React, Typescirpt & Next.js, Styled Components, Tailwind, Strapi, Docker.

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My portfolio

A static website where I showcase my latest and greatest projects!

I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript with some jquery plugins.
Moreover, I used webpack to automate some of the tasks.
NOTE: application is under construction.

